Monday, September 5, 2011

First Day in Third Grade

Hello everyone! We have had a great second day of school.  I have really enjoyed getting to know all of my students.  They are such a great classroom.  We spent a lot of our day sharing our brown bags that we brought from home.  The students and myself have enjoyed seeing everything that is being brought in.  We will continue to share those tomorrow.

Also, we developed our classroom rules and compliment chart.  They were very excited about the compliment chart and all of the rewards that they will receive after they meet certain amounts of compliments.  You will have to ask them about it.

Classroom jobs were another big thing today.  We went over what is expected from each job and assigned jobs to some students.  An important job is the Reporter.  The student that is chosen for the Reporter will report one thing about what we've done throughout our day.  This will always be posted at the bottom of the blog.  As you will see when you scroll down that Dalton is our first Reporter. 

I have really enjoyed the first two days of school and I can't wait to see what is in store for us the rest of the year.  I am so lucky to have such a great classroom and parents.  Thanks for all you'll do.  Have a great night!

Ms. Jade Gupton

Reporter of the Day: Dalton
this is dalton today we went outside and we had a lot of fun we made a pupit of lion me and my friend hunter an kendall

I've uploaded pictures of the classroom and students below!


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