Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Writer of the Week

Last week was my classrooms week for Writer of the Week! From our class Emmy shared her piece over what she would do if she had her own private plane.  All of the students had a great piece and it was very hard picking just one to share; however, Emmy did a wonderful job! Her classmates were very supportive and cheered her on while she read during our morning meeting last Thursday!

Here is Emmy sharing her piece for Writer of the Week!

Today was Fun!

September 28, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Kendall

today was fun we toke a math test were leaning in since aboat anamals i got my pictrure dalton got his
now were reading spongebob socer games today we had technology tomarow well be first day
of fall break.

Monday, September 26, 2011


September 26, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Cristhian

I  had  so  much  fun  today  it  was  fun we  had  muice today tces  is is cool

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bicycle Rodeo

Today was our Bicycle Rodeo that took place at Lowell Avenue Church.  The kids loved it! He showed them all of the safety precautions that we must take when we are riding our bike, along with always wearing a helmet.  The kids that didn't want to ride the bicycle still received a job from the instructor and felt very important!

I didn't get to take pictures of the students at the Bicycle Rodeo, but I'm sure they will tell you all about it when they get home.  That has been the topic of our entire day! I really loved seeing them have as much fun as they did today!  Have a great night!

Ms. Gupton

Student of the Week- September 19-23

Our Student of the Week this week is Katie! 

She has really seemed to enjoy her time with Taffy this past weekend.  We have posted her pictures in the classroom and she will be bringing in her journal and "Me" cube later this week.  I am hoping that she enjoys the rest of her time as Student of the Week!

Here are some of the pictures that Katie took with Taffy!

A Very Good Day!

September 19, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Chelsey

we  had   a   good  time  today  we  had   fun.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Reading Class

September 15, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Abby

hi  my name is abby and today was fun.i liked  lounch today was fun.and cold out was the best.i like this  class.and the taecher.i like my 4 grade class in  block is the best reading class  ever.i like the theem  this year  ever.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Student of the Week- September 12-16

Student of the Week: Tanner

Our student of the week this week is Tanner! He got to take home Taffy our Giraffe over the weekend and it looks like they got to celebrate a birthday party.  I am sure that Taffy had a wonderful time!  I have enjoyed having Tanner in my classroom this year! 

When you are student of the week you get to do many special things in our classroom and we are excited to learn more about Tanner!

Here are pictures of Taffy and Tanner over the weekend! Enjoy!

Best Day Ever

September 12, 2011

Reporter of the Day: McKenzie

I had the best day ever today was fun and  when we were sich.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Great Day

September 8, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Emmy

today was a great day so was this week every body gets to come to lunchbunch ecsept some people i love
my new teacher.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


September 7, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Dalton

today we went to fitness but we had to go to the gym and got to use the pareashot.

Student of the Week

Student of the Week: Adrieanna

This week we chose our first student of the week! Adrieanna got to experience a weekend with Taffy the Giraffe.  Taffy got to do many things with Adrieanna over the weekend and she loved spending time with Taffy as well. 

Friday we sent Taffy and our classroom digital camera home with Adrieanna so she could take pictures of everything she did with Taffy!  It really looks like they had a wonderful time.

Monday and Tuesday Adrieanna has been working on her journal of what all Taffy got to do with her this week and she will get to share this with the rest of her classmates tomorrow.  She has also taken home the "Me" Cube to decorate and tell us many different things about her.  We can't wait to hear all about her. 

Today, Adrieanna has shared with me that her Aunt is coming to eat lunch with her.  She is very excited.  When it is your turn to be student of the week you get to have anyone from your family come eat lunch with you on Wednesday of that week!  They absolutely love this.

Tomorrow Adrieanna will bring in her final draft of her journal and "Me" Cube so she can begin sharing her weekend with Taffy and everything that she has on her cube.  I can't wait to hear all about her weekend!

Pictures of Adrieanna and Taffy...

We've Made So Many Friends

September 6, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Tanner

lunch and activity was good and frends was good.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our New Giraffee

September 6, 2011

Reporter of the Day: RaiLee

we had fun on friday we had fun in reading math shurly einlish. we get to take home mr.graffia and a camra to he loves shopping and playing.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Last Day for Tyler

Today was Tyler's last day at our school.  We are really going to miss having Tyler in class with us; however, we wish him the best of luck at his new school.  We hope that he will stop by sometime to visit us and let us know how much fun he is having at his new school. 

The students made cards for him and let him know how much they would miss him.  Tyler was always working so hard and helping other students in the classroom.  I would often turn around and he would be straightening up the desks or picking up pencils on the floor.  He was a very helpful student that we will all miss.  Have fun at your new school Tyler!!
Reporter of the Day: Tyler
i   hid    a   good     day .         becose    i     sinexm   iwoth    a    moze.        and     hid   a    goodday.

Science Class is Fun

August 29, 2011

Reporter of the day: Savannah
hello hello this is savannah i played outside today i played jem with my club friends it was fun my club members are:sarah ralee c.j. harley and me my self we seen a worm that eats tomato plants and has wosp egg on it  it died thogh ms guptons the best teacher ever bye

Activity Time

August 30, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Kendall

today igot games in pe with my frinds doltin and hunter

Everyday is Great

August 25, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Angelina
today we went outside played  and we hade a test i hade a  grate day bye

Feeling Much Better

August 23, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Austin
yestda  my  sid  hert  the  ners  gave  my  tums  an  i  fele  beter  biy.

School is Cool

August 24, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Cristhian
today  was fun we had fitness today me and my friends had fun we had i fun in math and reading to and are teacher is cool.  school is cool.

Friday Lunch Bunch

August 19, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Harley
one thing that we don today that i like is we ate in the classroom and  wacth a move. And this week we went outside and played. WE ben in pe to.

Reading is Important

August 17, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Landon

my  faveret  thang  today  was  reading 

Celebrating Birthdays

August 16, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Chelsey
we  fun  eting  the  cupcakes    they      where   delshes    cupcakes  thank you  mrs  Gupton.

We Love Our Third Grade Team

August 12, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Abby

today was a alsome day. i liked  lounch and expecily hatham and cheees.i like this years is the best theam ever.i like the posters of day ever.i like the song yhis year.

Making New Friends is Always Fun

August 11, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Adrieanna

i had a fun time at lunch today we went out side i got to see my cusin and some freinds i played on the slide i played with abby and kaylee i had a fun day today

We Even Enjoy Activity and Lunch

August 10, 2011

Reporter of the Day: Ethan
 activy  wus   awsome  

and   lunch   to.

As We Can Tell Switching is Going Great!

August 9, 2011

Reporter of the Day: McKenzie

My faiavret thing i did today is sicthing  calss for raeding and ma

Meeting Our New Teachers

August 8, 2011

Good afternoon! Another wonderful day with my students.  Today was the first day that we made all of our switches and the students were very excited.  Everything has been going very smoothly and I am very amazed with my students.  They are loving their new teachers and switching to their classrooms.

One part of our day that the students really enjoyed was our calendar time.  They were all so engaged and ready to learn.  It is wonderful to see such a short activity enage all of the students in the classroom.  Their participation was great!  They were all wanting to come up to the calendar board and help with different parts of the calendar.  It makes me excited to see how excited they are to learn.

Have a great night everyone!

Second Day in Third Grade

We've made it through our first three days of school! The students have had a great start to the year.  We practiced switching for our reading and math classes today and I must say it went very smoothly.  The kids loved meeting their new reading and math teachers.

Also, we shared more brown bags today! The students have really enjoyed this activity.  We will share the rest of those on Monday, so, if you haven't brought yours in yet please bring them Monday!

All of the students are doing great! Monday we will begin switching on our regular schedule.  Let's make sure we are all prepared and have everything we need when we are making our switches.  Have a great weekend everyone.  See you Monday!

Ms. Jade Gupton
Reporter of the Day: Emmy
this is emmy i am at school and i had a great day i love it.

First Day in Third Grade

Hello everyone! We have had a great second day of school.  I have really enjoyed getting to know all of my students.  They are such a great classroom.  We spent a lot of our day sharing our brown bags that we brought from home.  The students and myself have enjoyed seeing everything that is being brought in.  We will continue to share those tomorrow.

Also, we developed our classroom rules and compliment chart.  They were very excited about the compliment chart and all of the rewards that they will receive after they meet certain amounts of compliments.  You will have to ask them about it.

Classroom jobs were another big thing today.  We went over what is expected from each job and assigned jobs to some students.  An important job is the Reporter.  The student that is chosen for the Reporter will report one thing about what we've done throughout our day.  This will always be posted at the bottom of the blog.  As you will see when you scroll down that Dalton is our first Reporter. 

I have really enjoyed the first two days of school and I can't wait to see what is in store for us the rest of the year.  I am so lucky to have such a great classroom and parents.  Thanks for all you'll do.  Have a great night!

Ms. Jade Gupton

Reporter of the Day: Dalton
this is dalton today we went outside and we had a lot of fun we made a pupit of lion me and my friend hunter an kendall